BOLD: not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.
If there was just one trait that I could acquire, it would be boldness:
I want the type of faith the is completely unwavering in any situation.
I want to be completely confident in that God will deliver me from any hardship, after giving me time to learn and grow from it.
I want to show others that there is a freedom in trusting my God and that he is there for everyone.
I want to be the type of role model girls can look up to and see not me, but Christ working in and through me.
I want to learn what it means to truly love myself, because only then can I know what it means to love others.
I want to use my God-given skills, abilities, and passions to glorify his name.
As a senior in college, I have one more semester left before I am kicked out into the real world. I am a Christian, but by no means does that say I have it all figured out, nor do I live a perfect life. In that statement is a confession: I have messed up and I have made mistakes that I am incapable of fixing on my own. If I were to try, Lord knows I would only make things worse. I have no idea where my life is going, but I am trusting in someone bigger than me to give me the answers when he sees fit.
This blog is an attempt to share my story as well as to give myself a
way to process through the big decisions and changes I am taking on right now.